my soul arises from sleep and chants a song
so delicate song that it trembles the land I trod upon
a beautiful and soft song of old
Thus I heard the pebbles by the road
with their joyous voices smiled at me
"Be thankful! be ever thankful...
No other potion could be so efficacious
for the soul
nothing else could be so delicious
but to be ever conscious
of the ever Good Will of God
and thus being so grateful,
attaining the sanctity precious
Be thankful both in the drought and in the rain
Be thankful in embrace or in refrain
Let your heart be ever firm in the Love of God
which knows no boundaries"
Hearing such sweet words, thus my ears filled with sounds;
In your cheers or in your pain
let your mouth be filled with 'thank you'
in serenity or in a crowd
let your heart count the goodness of Him
Put your soul in the total rest and trust
Anxious not, worry not
be ever ready whatever might befall
to uplift sincere utterance of thanksgiving no matter what
As the prayer is the root of all good things
as it is the root of love
thankfulness is the capillary tube
which carries grace to the branches, leaves and fruits
Thus it uproots arid self-pity
ever trusting, ever keeping watch
while knowing that life is mere a gift
to enjoy and to share
Be thankful! Be ever thankful!
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